Re: Return a specific value if between a range
Try this: =IF([Imposed Risk Score]@row >= 81, "Aggressive Growth", IF(AND([Imposed Risk Score]@row <= 80, [Imposed Risk Score]@row >= 61), "Moderately Aggressive", IF(AND…1 · -
Re: Formula missing 2 parenthesis
Can try it this way. It didn't error out in testing, but not sure it's giving the At Risk result you're looking for as I don't quite follow the last IF statement. =IF(Status@row = "Complete"…1 · -
Re: Countifs multiple Status and one priority level
Glad it worked. So if I'm understanding, you're just adding one additional criteria for Type as the rest is working? Assuming the column is called Type, you would follow the same structure as the res…1 · -
Re: CountIFs between two dates
I think you just need to reverse the >< in your formula, currently it reads... <=DATE(2019, 1, 1) less than or equal to 1/1/2019 Try this: =COUNTIFS({Customer Issues List Range 3}, >=DATE…1 · -
Re: True/False IF formula not working?
@JWPMC 5% in a formula would be .05. Update your formula and it should work.1 ·